Please use our new number to get in touch:

0141 212 4909

“A year ago we were a bunch of guys that got together, and now we’re a bunch of friends that do stuff together”

Looking for something to get you out of the house and away from daytime television?

The Men’s Shed is about having somewhere to go for retired, unemployed or those unable to work through ill-health, to go for a blether, play a game of darts, learn some woodwork skills, do some gardening, learn how to cook, take on a project, take up a hobby, help the community and much more, or just hang out and talk about new ideas for what to do at the Shed. It’s good to get out. 

Gordon’s Men’s Shed Motto

Men’s Shed Govan is open:

Monday 10:00 - 14:00

Wednesday 10:00 - 14:00

Friday 10:00 - 14:00

Ladies Shed Govan is open:

Thursday 10:00 - 14:00

.Free Tai Chi classes on a Thursday morning 10.30am till 11.30am.

Upcoming events


Support our work.


Visit our shop page.

Every purchase supports the Shed, its members and its community.


Donations & Support welcome

We rely on grants, donations and fund-raising to run this charity, so every small donation is very helpful and gratefully received to contribute to our running costs and projects. Donations of time or support are also much appreciated.